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Conceição takes care of her sick husband and works to pay the bills.
Fiction | 2019 | Brazil | 10 min | Digital
RECONCAVO, which featured non-actors, won the award for Best Short Film at the Fest Aruanda do Audiovisual Brasileiro, as voted by the popular jury. This film has also been selected to be screened at other festivals, including Festival Comunicurtas, NOIA - University Audiovisual Festival, and Periférica - Mostra de Cinema of Camaragibe.

Festivals • Awards
Lifts -Off Sessions
15° Fest Aruanda do Audiovisual Brasileiro | BEST SHORT FILM BY THE POPULAR JURY
19º NOIA Festival do Audiovisual Universitário
Festival de Cinema de Taguatinga ( Mostra Popular)
15ª Festival Comunicurtas
Periférica - Mostra de Cinema de Camaragibe
III Festival Cine Inclusão

STARRING: Terezinha da Mata and Celso Gomes.
Henrique Chaves and Tatiana Rodrigues.
Based on the story of Emiliano Guayaquil
Written and Directed by Pedro Henrique Chaves
Cinematography: Taysa Barros and Thaís Oliveira
Production Maneger: Bruna Braz
Sound: Juseff Felipe
Editing: Pedro Henrique Chaves
Color: Mikael Kluge
Sound and Mix Editing: Bruna Cardoso
Poster: Bárbara Subtil

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